As the end of the year approaches, it is a good time to reflect upon what you have learned and how you will use these experiences to help you be even more successful going forward in 2012. One of our great challenges is that “business has no remote control.” If you want to change it, you need to get up and be active at making success come to you.
Reflecting upon my experiences this past year, I am more convinced than ever, that your key to success is in understanding how your listeners are thinking about and viewing their opportunities for personal success. By understanding the other individual’s goals and needs, both their heart and mind, so to speak, you’ll be better prepared to ask the Key Questions that will engage them in telling you precisely what they want to achieve using your help, experience and services.
In the coming year, I look forward to hearing from you about your successes. I believe you have a unique opportunity to differentiate yourself by the manner in which you communicate and project your experience, authenticity, and personal credibility.

I thought you would enjoy this picture I put together with my “soldiers.” For those with an appreciation of an historical past, the title this year is, “Christmas with Lawrence of Arabia, Jerusalem, 1917.” I think you’ll get a kick out of the Rolls Royce car in the background.